Vervactor® Mineral Potassium Fertiliser

Vervactor® mineral potassium fertiliser is a modern granular fertiliser. The high proportion of potassium in combination with sulphur and calcium, as well as with magnesium and sodium, means that the fertiliser has a broad spectrum of coverage of the plant nutritional needs. As a result, Vervactor® accelerates plant growth and the quality of the tissues that form, while the stimulated root system enhances nutrient transport capacity. Vervactor® mineral potassium fertiliser activates the plant’s photosynthetic processes, carbohydrate, fat, and protein synthesis, and supports the plant thermal resistance. Due to the potassium contained in the fertiliser, the plants accumulate provitamin A and vitamins B1 and C, and the quality of the accumulated sugars also improves. In turn, the contribution of sulphur activates the detoxification of heavy metals and xenobiotics. Vervactor® is a versatile solution combining high activity with safety for crops!

Nawóz mineralny Vervactor
Nawozy mineralne Goudenkorrel
Granula Nawozy mineralne Vervactor
  • source of readily available, fully soluble potassium in the sulphate-chloride form
  • broad spectrum coverage of plant nutrient requirements, balanced proportion of sulphur and calcium with added magnesium
  • gradual release of nutrients and prolonged availability
  • granulate for pre-sowing and post-sowing application, excellent spreading ability
  • full solubility, no salinizing or acidifying effect on the soil
  • for agricultural and vegetable crops
  • G2D Nodens Technology ™ – a multi-stage technology of atomisation, separation, mixing and aggregation of active particles (together with an activator of their decomposition) due to which the product has the highest performance and allows significant savings in fertilisation

VERVACTOR® Mineral Potassium Fertiliser – Product characteristics

    15% Total calcium oxide (CaO) 7% CaO soluble in water
    3% Total magnesium oxide (MgO) 2.5% MgO soluble in water
    5.5% Total sodium oxide (Na2O) 4.5% Na2O soluble in water
    22% Total sulfur trioxide (SO3) 19% SO3 soluble in water
  • Ingredients: CMC1: primary raw materials and mixtures: crude potassium salt CAS:15278-29-2, crude enriched potassium salt CAS:7447-40-7, limestone meal CAS:471-34-1
  • Granulometry: 98% of the product is in the form of granules with dimensions of 2-8 mm
  • pH of the substance: 7.6

Effect of the Vervactor® mineral fertilizer on soil quality.

Soil is the most important source of nutrients for plants. Its abundance is determined by the number of components soluble in the soil solution and the pool of macro and microelements connected interchangeably with the sorption complex. More than 70% of Polish soils were formed mainly from Pleistocene clays and sands, strongly fuzzy and sorted by glacial waters, therefore it is assumed that as much as 40% of them are characterised by low quality and agricultural suitability (Krasowicz et al. 2011; Lekan and Terelak 1997). The unfavourable production conditions in Poland – compared to the neighbouring countries – are a major obstacle in obtaining higher yields Nevertheless, through the appropriate agrotechnical treatment, including fertilisation, soil fertility can be improved. It has been shown that correct and rational fertilisation has a positive effect on the volume, as well as the biological and technological value of plant yield (Kwiatkowski et al. 2006). In Poland, a total of 2,049,831 tonnes of mineral fertilisers are used annually, i.e. 140.2 kg·ha-1 of agricultural land. However, soils containing low and very low quantities of essential elements such as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium still represent between 27% (for Mg) and 37% (for K) of Poland’s agricultural land (Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2019). Therefore, in plant fertilisation, it is important to use mineral fertilisers with a high content of easily accessible elements contained in natural, chemically unprocessed raw materials. Vervactor® is a fertiliser that meets all of these strict criteria. It contains 30% K2O, 22% SO3, 15% CaO, 3% MgO and 5,5% Na2O. All of these essential mineral elements are in a water-soluble form, and thus easily accessible to plants. Vervactor® is designed for use directly before sowing the plants, as well as shortly after seedling.

Potassium in the mineral fertilizer Vervactor®

A special feature of the Vervactor® fertiliser is its high dose of potassium which – together with calcium – plays a key role in the process of plant water uptake. K+ and Ca2+ cations regulate the plants’ water management by controlling the transpiration process. Potassium ions cause the opening while the Ca2+ the closing of the leaf stomata apparatus. It has been shown that the potassium absorbed by plants affects the strengthening of their leaf cuticles, which reduces water evaporation. Also, an increase in its volume in the cellular juice results in its concentration, which also reduces transpiration. As a result of the beneficial impact of potassium on their water management, plants can utilise soil water reserves much better, which contributes to an increase in the yield by up to 30% (Czuba 2001). Even during a water shortage. According to recent studies, potassium ions activate more than 60 different enzyme reactions (Stępień et al. 2009, Marschner 2011, Tripathi et al. 2014). Potassium also increases the activity of photosynthesis and accelerates the movement of assimilates from leaves to other plant organs. It has been found that potassium stimulates the process of fat and protein synthesis in plants as well. Potassium increases the plants’ resistance to frost and diseases. It was also shown to have a beneficial effect on the postharvest life duration of plants. It has been shown that the macroelements which are taken up by plants mostly include nitrogen and potassium (Tab. 1.) Additionally, it also improves the plants’ frost and disease resistance and has a beneficial effect on their postharvest life duration.. Its content in plant ash is the highest among all other elements and amounts to 40% (Czuba 2001).

Application and dosage mineral fertilizer Vervactor®

Plant Dose of fertilizer (kg·ha-1)
Sugar beet 200-400
Hops 300-600
Peas 150-200
Buckwheat 200-250
Spring barley 150-250
Winter barley 150-250
Maize 250-300
Clover (green fodder) 200-300
Clover with grasses 200-300
Maize (green fodder) 200-300
Lucerne (green fodder) 200-400
Lucerne with grasses 200-300
Cereal mixtures 200-250
Oats 150-250
Spring wheat 200-250
Winter wheat 200-250
Triticale 150-250
Rape 300-500
Sunflower 200-400
Soya 200-450
Jerusalem artichoke 200-350
Grassland (meadow) 200-300
Potatoes 200-250
Rye 150-250
Plant Dose of fertilizer (kg·ha-1)
Broccoli 250-450
Red beet 250-450
Onion 200-450
Horseradish 350-550
Garlic 150-200
Dwarf beans 150-300
String beans 150-300
Green peas 100-200
Kale 350-500
Kohlrabi 400-600
Cauliflower 350-600
Brussels cabbage 300-500
Kapusta biała 400-700
Red cabbage 450-650
Savoy cabbage 350-500
Napa cabbage 400-600
Carrot 150-400
Cucumber 150-300
Bell pepper 200-400
Tomato 200-500
Leek 300-600
Turnip 500-600
Icicle radish 250-450
Radish 250-450

The method of application of the mineral fertilizer Vervactor on the rape example

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